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Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Sep 4, 20244 min read
Embrace Change: How RTT Helps You Evolve Into Your Best Self
Change is one of those things that we all know is inevitable, yet it can still feel daunting, overwhelming, or downright terrifying.

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Aug 4, 20243 min read
Your Transformation: A Step-by-Step Guide to a More Fulfilling Life
Read this step-by-step guide to a more fulfilling life by transforming when things feel off. Transformation is a continuous process in life.

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Jun 3, 20243 min read
Creating an Abundant Mindset with Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)
Abundance is often associated with wealth, but it’s a much broader concept. It is a mindset a feeling within, learn more how to foster it.

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Apr 2, 20242 min read
Overcome Limiting Beliefs with RTT
The mind cannot hold conflicting thoughts and beliefs simultaneously. Try driving in two different directions at once - impossible.

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Mar 1, 20243 min read
Powerful Self-Love and Self-Care
Practicing self-love and self-care isn't selfish—it's essential for your overall well-being, happiness and mental health.

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Feb 2, 20242 min read
The Art of Asking for Help
Ask for help, it's a courageous act of self-care. But why is it so hard for us?

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Jan 16, 20242 min read
Conquering the Skies: A Q&A on Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) if you have a Fear of Flying
Last week, I received a request, if tackling a fear of flying was something I could help with. Since I have received a quite a few...

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Jan 11, 20242 min read
The Power of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT): A Comprehensive Q&A on RTT
Could you provide a brief overview of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) for those who may not be familiar with it? RTT is an...

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Jan 1, 20245 min read
Why New Years Resolutions Fail and What To Do Instead For Success
Making one or more life changing New Years Resolutions is expected. Fitness studios have their best sales days thanks to these...

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Dec 5, 20233 min read
Conquering the Fear of Exams: A Journey to Success with Redefined Mind
Experiencing fear and anxiety before exams is an all-too-familiar challenge for many students. The pressure to perform well, fear of...

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Dec 3, 20233 min read
Unlock the Joy of Giving: Meaningful Gifts and Stress-Free Holidays
With the start of December, the Holiday Season officially starts. While twinkly lights bring pleasure to some, others associate this time...

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Nov 1, 20235 min read
Courage to Change Your Life
Courage is the driving force of all change. With the leaves on the trees changing colour, this is our reminder to stop resisting change....

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Oct 6, 20235 min read
Sleep Smarter: 7 Tips for Better Sleep and Recovery
"How did you sleep last night?" For those who sleep well, perhaps a boring, benign question. But for the majority of us, the quality of...

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Sep 3, 20233 min read
Unveiling the Mysteries of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis, a topic that often sparks curiosity and a hint of scepticism, has been widely embraced as a therapeutic tool in recent years....

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Jul 3, 20236 min read
Unleashing the Power Within: Transforming Into your Confident Self
This months blog post uncovers the essence of self-confidence, gives five tips to boost confidence and shows how RTT helped my client Dunja.

Dr. Alexandra Balmer, RTTP
Jun 1, 20238 min read
Break Free from the Grip of Stress: Effective Ways to a Relaxed Life
Release Stress and Calm your Mind, Change your Life for the better using RTT and quick relaxation guides.
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